Saturday, May 2, 2015

Minus 26

In February I went to Toronto for a few days on the way back from a business trip that took me to a gloriously warm Cayman -- this time of year is really lovely there.  Mid 80's fahrenheit and reasonably low humidity.  However as I was returning home via Toronto to visit my son, Alistair, I thought it prudent to pack a few winter woollies.

It was minus 26 when I arrived!

It had been in the minus 20's for a month!!

I had a pullover and a windbreaker.  At least I wasn't wearing my usual shorts.

Cold doesn't even measure how uncomfortable this was so last weekend when I visited the big TO again, I took a thicker pullover but the same windbreaker for surely it couldn't still be that cold.  Could it?

Fortunately not.  In the interim it had become a balmy minus 6 -- this is early April of course so summer is just around the corner!

The few days went by in a flash though.  Toronto really is a special city.  We managed some great food with friends at La Palette, the required great big steak at Barberians and some preppy Ramen Noodles at Mamafoku in the Shangri-La Hotel.

Oh yes, and it did get up as high as +11 celsius.

But what a beautiful sunrise we had one morning.

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